I'm Sunny. This site is still under construction (as many often are). This is just a little project I'm working on for fun. Once all my architecture is set up, I'll have some little posts down the line about some of my interests.
I guess we could consider this the first post of the site? In that case, Hi.
Like it says on the tin, all of this is under construction. If you somehow come across this website in its current state, I apologize for the mess. I am an utter neophyte when it comes to CSS and HTML.
I had always found the style of HTML to be appealing and, well, to be frank, it was Shadok's LOVEWEB series that inspired me to carve out my own little corner here on neocities. Maybe it's a little weird to make a website without having something really important to say, but I suppose we all need to find something to do with our time, and there are worse options than this.
So yes, welcome to Sunny's Spotlight. Please leave your hat at the door, and make yourself comfortable. I'd like to say refreshments would be provided, but I haven't coded them in yet.
I've a few interests, including but not limited to: